WEATHER APPS: ArtisTree landscape experts share which ones they dig most.

weather apps

Weather apps are taking the world by storm and seem to pop up faster than you can say El Niño. While they’re a lifeline for families, businesses and institutions, we’re focusing our radar on what landscape companies use — in particular, ArtisTree Landscape Maintenance & Design headquartered in Venice, FL. Rain or shine, this nationally ranked company is responsible for keeping communities looking their best. After all, their employees’ lives are literally governed by Mother Nature. So which apps do they use?

ArtisTree Maintenance Division: Top 3 picks

Several ArtisTree account executives prefer to use MyRadar for their landscape maintenance communities, agreeing that it gives them an instant assessment of what’s going on plus it’s super easy to use. They use MyRadar to remind homeowners of current conditions and what crews can or cannot do (such as mowing, shrub trimming or installing plants in heavy rain). Other ArtisTree managers use Weatherbug or Fox Weather Skytower as their go-to weather sources.

Conan Michel

Landscape design team uses a whole garden full of apps.

Interestingly, ArtisTree’s busy Design Division prefers The Weather Channel, Accuweather, Intellicast and also Fox News. “Every aspect of our design install jobs is affected by the weather,” explains Operations Manager Conan Michel, pointing to the logistics of plant procurement, deliveries and nursery inventory care. “We actually like to compare what a few apps say and will make a well-rounded decision from there.”

ArtisTree leafs out with other reliable sources, too.

ArtisTree Landscape also relies on other sources including WeatherTiger Hurricane Watch, U.S. Drought Monitor, National Weather Service and for updates on current conditions. Says Vice President of Operations Bill Walters: “Most of our communities receive their water supply from SWFTMUD (Southwest Florida Water Management District) or BRU (Braden River Utilities). They’ll typically supply water to community lakes, and then that water is used to irrigate the communities (ArtisTree doesn’t control or service the source of a community’s water supply). SWFTMUD and BRU are also experiencing drought issues and are having to tightly manage their water distribution levels. We refer to their websites frequently.”

Contact ArtisTree at 941.488.8897 for a custom proposal.

ArtisTree Landscape

ArtisTree Landscape Maintenance & Design has proudly served Sarasota, Manatee and Charlotte counties since 1990.


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