Coral Creeper can creep up on you unless you think like a hairdresser.

Coral Creeper
Coral Creeper groundcover blooms off and on all year long in full or dappled sun.

Coral Creeper is a charming groundcover if you like slightly rumpled, disheveled foliage sometimes mistaken for weed clumps. It’s like a child’s unruly hair — thick and a bit messy but endearing just the same. That’s why you’ll want to give Coral Creeper a good haircut each spring and then a general trim as necessary. Interestingly, it also comes in purple despite having the word coral in its name. (Makes for some fun plant ID questions, too.)

Coral Creepr
Don’t be fooled by the color. This is Coral Creeper, too.

More about trimming and spacing.

If you don’t control your Coral Creeper, it can actually become a “weed” in your landscape. It’s fast-spreading, growing one to two feet tall in full or dappled sun. We recommend planting these perennials two to three feet apart and away from other plants by at least a couple of feet. Otherwise, you’ll likely see them crawl up your shrubs or barge into your flower beds. With this trait in mind, though, you can consider them for your containers or hanging baskets for their beautiful cascading effect. And like we said, if you’re willing to keep an eye on them, they’re great when used under low windows, along railings, around a palm or spilling over boulders. Be sure to avoid over-watering. A regular schedule is just fine.

Coral Creeper
Left unchecked, Coral Creeper can completely cover small shrubs.

Coral Creeper suits informal Florida landscapes.

If you wish to create a cottage-like feel, consider this shrubby groundcover that blooms off and on all year long. Yes, it’s a bit on the scruffy side, but that’s what many Florida homeowners like about it. Remember: coral or purple, your choice! Just remember to keep it trimmed to your desired space.

Coral Creepr
Spent blooms are replaced with brown seed capsules, a look not everyone loves.

What’s your landscape style preference — Florida beachy, traditional formal or a cozy cottage feel? Regardless, contact ArtisTree Landscape Maintenance & Design to meet with one of our award-winning designers. 941.488.8897, ext. 312.

ArtisTree HOA landscape maintenance

To get your landscape renovation started now, browse ArtisTree’s portfolio and then call Jenni Lassen at 941.488.8897, ext. 312, to meet with one of our award-winning designers. We proudly serve Sarasota, Manatee and Charlotte counties.

ArtisTree also provides complete landscape maintenance services for HOA communities throughout Southwest Florida. Contact Michael Casper at 941.488.8897, ext. 321, for your custom proposal.  

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