Fairy ring disease requires more than a magic wand to disappear.
Q: “Fairy ring” mushrooms the size of saucers are popping up in our grass. Should we be worried?
A: Yard mushrooms typically aren’t harmful, but that doesn’t mean you should start mixing them with your salads or let your pets eat them. You have several options to consider:
- You can mow over them. That’ll teach the little devils not to grow in your yard.
- You can pluck them out and dispose of them to prevent the release of spores that produce progeny mushrooms. Put on gloves first, though, as some types are poisonous.
- You can remove their food source, which typically consists of decaying plant tissue that lives in the soil or thatch layer. This may involve digging out the infected turf/discarding the infested soil or using an approved fungicide.
- Leave them alone. They can increase soil nutrients by breaking down organic matter into natural fertilizer. Once the ground dries up, your mushrooms will disappear.
But let’s dig a little deeper on the subject of fairy ring disease. Even though it’s usually a sign that the soil below is rich in nutrients, it could also indicate overwatering. Overwatering coupled with heavy rains is even worse, especially if the watering is done at night.

Bottom line: If mushroom “fairy rings” are overtaking your yard, you have a problem. But otherwise, don’t let a few fungi bother you. Instead, devote your time to other more-pressing issues in your yard. Speaking of, is your HOA community looking for a new landscape maintenance provider? Call ArtisTree Landscape Maintenance & Design at 941.488.8897, ext. 321, and ask for Mike Casper. ArtisTree proudly serves Sarasota, Manatee, Charlotte and south Hillsborough counties.

Category Drainage, Fungus, Landscape Maintenance
Tagged with: Mushrooms in the yard, well-draining soils, ArtisTree, Controlling mushrooms, drainage, Fungi, landscape maintenance, Mushrooms