How to Find the Right Landscape Maintenance Company
No need to settle for the same-old same-old. Maybe it’s time to change landscape companies this year. Replacement costs caused by one skipped pruning, one careless fertilizer treatment or one unfocused crew member can drive your community association’s financial statement into the ground. So what should your Florida HOA look for when interviewing a landscape maintenance company? Here are 10 tips to get you off to a good start:
- Look at the company’s work by physically touring their properties. Do they look good on a consistent basis?
- Check the company’s references and call them. Ask how long they have used their services; how well the company communicates; how long does it normally take to have an issue resolved; and if they follow a set maintenance schedule.
- Also ask for names of communities that the company no longer represents and ask why.
- Verify that the company has a drug-free policy and performs detailed background checks on all their employees — random drug checks, in particular.
- Are the company’s employees certified to be performing the specific function they have been employed to do (pest/disease control, fertilization application, arboriculture, and horticultural services)? Are the certifications current?
- Ask to see a Certificate of Insurance for the company’s General Liability and Workers’ Compensation insurances. They should have $1 million in coverage.
- Will there be an English-speaking supervisor on your property at all times?
- What are the company’s warranties/guarantees for plant replacement, turf, irrigation, and repairs?
- What is the company’s culture like? Are employees treated with respect and compensated fairly? Happy employees take pride in their work and it shows – you’ll see it when they come out to YOUR property.
- Finally, make sure all specifications used for the bid process are fully addressed by all companies so you can make apples-to-apples comparisons.
Count yourself lucky if you’ve found a company that passes all these criteria with flying colors. You’ll have a landscape partner that’s likely to be trustworthy, competent, and responsive – as well as a beautiful, healthy landscape to show for it. Looking for a reputable landscape maintenance company in Sarasota, Manatee or Charlotte counties? Call ArtisTree Landscape Maintenance & Design at 941.488.8897 for a custom proposal.
Category Landscape Maintenance, Maintenance contracts, News, Homeowner's Association
Tagged with: landscape maintenance, HOAs, homeowner associations, choosing landscape maintenance company, Florida HOA