Don’t Give Up on Trees Overturned by Irma
Now that Hurricane Irma has roared through Florida, landscape companies across the state are being besieged by callers wanting their toppled trees to be replaced. ArtisTree’s advice? Don’t give up your trees overturned by Irma just yet.
If yours is a smaller specimen, you may be able to treat it just like a new planting. Simply set it back the hole, cover the roots with dirt and re-brace with a whole-tree staking kit. Water thoroughly.
If your tree is medium size and the root ball is totally exposed, then your first order of business is to keep the roots moist. Make sure they’re covered by dirt and wrap the entire root ball with burlap or a heavy cloth until you can get the tree in the ground (hopefully right away). You can also consider a soil amendment that will “energize” the microbial activity in the soil. Too daunting of a task? Then ask for the help of a professional landscaping crew. It’s important to stabilize your tree so it will recover more quickly and resist future storms.
Still want a tree replacement? Well, don’t expect the new one to exactly match the one you had. Your landscape provider will certainly try to locate a similar size, but be prepared for a slightly smaller one. That’s why it’s better to try to save the one you have if possible. In other words, don’t throw out the tree out with the storm water. A beloved tree deserves a second chance if you think it can grow again. Here’s one happy-ending story of a tree re-staked by ArtisTree during Tropical Storm Debby.
For more plant information and tips, visit the ArtisTree Blog.

This Bottlebrush tree blown over by Hurricane Irma has since been re-staked by ArtisTree and is expected to do just fine.
Category Hurricane Preparedness, News, Tree Care, Homeowner's Association, Landscaping Tips
Tagged with: hurricane damaged trees, trees, Hurricane Irma, saving trees