Tag Archive: Sarasota landscape designers

Anderson Crepe Hibiscus

Anderson Crepe Hibiscus doesn’t steal all hearts.

Anderson Crepe Hibiscus trees: What’s not to love? Well, a couple of things depending on which Plantopinions expert you ask. But they’re just small things. This charming garden classic with exquisite soft pink flowers boasts arching branches that sway your gaze and is best used as an alluring focal point.…

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Carissa shrubs

Carissa shrubs for all your highs and lows.

Emerald Blanket Carissa combine with other plantings at this home in The Concession. Landscape designed and installed by ArtisTree. Carissa shrubs will go to any length to please Florida homeowners, as we explained to one local resident who asked us about Emerald Blanket Carissa. She had been enjoying hers for…

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Dombeya shrubs have snowball effect in SW Florida.

Dombeya shrubs, also known as tropical snowballs, are prolific bloomers. Once they get growing, their pom-pom shaped flowers punch out in profusion, prompting them to be referred to as Florida’s hydrangeas. What do ArtisTree Plantopinions experts think of these stunning ornamentals? No one denies their tropical beauty. In fact, two…

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