Asiatic Jasmine Minima a Hardy Turfgrass Alternative
Asiatic Jasmine Minima’s popularity has spread throughout Sarasota, with its hardy evergreen vines covering hard-to-mow areas or spaces where grass simply won’t grow. If you’re frustrated trying to get turfgrass established, this feisty groundcover nicknamed Minima will bring you maximum relief.
Planting and Care
Lush as carpet and tough as nails, Asiatic Jasmine Minima forms a dense mat 6 to 18 inches tall made of shiny leathery leaves. Space your plantings 1.5 feet apart in weed-free soil under full sun or in partial shade. Supplemental irrigation is rarely needed (in fact, too much watering can make it become unruly). Apply slow-release fertilizer three to four times the first year. After that, once a year in the spring will do the trick. No need to worry about serious pest or disease problems.
To Mow or Not to Mow
This groundcover looks best when you mow or trim it each spring. Set mower blades at least four to six feet high. A mowed mat will keep it a uniform height — plus, by keeping it nice and tight, you’ll suppress weeds.
Where to Plant
Asiatic Jasmine Minima will thrive in a variety of sandy soils as long as you have good drainage. Plant around large boulders, below taller ornamental plants, or under trees with exposed roots. Important: This groundcover is not designed for heavy or frequent foot traffic.

Consider Asiatic Jasmine Minima for an elegant garden or more natural setting. You’ll wonder why you didn’t try it sooner.

Contact ArtisTree
Contact ArtisTree Landscape Maintenance & Design at 941.488.8897 and let’s get your dream landscape project started. We proudly serve Sarasota, Manatee and Charlotte counties.
ArtisTree also provides complete landscape maintenance services for HOA communities throughout Southwest Florida. Contact Michael Casper at 941.488.8897 for your custom proposal.
Category News, Groundcovers
Tagged with: Asiatic Jasmine, Florida groundcovers