First the brakes lights, then a head turn. Yellow tabs have a way of slowing down traffic on the busiest streets in Florida. But there’s also a downside that admirers tend to forget: the Yellow Tabebuia is a spring bloomer, which means you’re going to absolutely adore it March and April and then just kind of forget about it after that.
And that’s too bad, because the yellow tab should be hailed for several other good qualities that it brings to landscape design. It’s highly drought tolerant, grows well in a variety of soils and requires little maintenance. Growing between 20 and 30 feet, it’s perfect for medium-sized yards and can also serve as a nice accent on larger properties. It’s not sticky or messy, either.
So be patient. While you’re waiting for next spring’s annual explosion of color, be content in knowing that your tabebuia is devoted to bringing you cool shade all summer long. A nice glass of cab under your tab seems like the perfect way to get your summer started and keep it going. Cheers!

Contact ArtisTree 941.488.8897
To get your landscape renovation started now, browse ArtisTree’s portfolio and then call Jenni Lassen at 941.488.8897, ext. 312, to meet with one of our award-winning designers. We proudly serve Sarasota, Manatee and Charlotte counties.
ArtisTree also provides complete landscape maintenance services for HOA communities throughout Southwest Florida. Contact Michael Casper at 941.488.8897, ext. 321, for your custom proposal.

Category Florida-friendly/Native Plants, Landscape Design, News, Plant selection, Tree Care
Tagged with: Sarasota landscape design, yellow tabebuia