Categories for Trees

Starburst Clerodendrum

Starburst Clerodendrum Stars as a Shrub or Tree

Starburst Clerodendrum dazzles with star-like flowers that burst open in Florida’s late winter or early spring. What’s remarkable about this eye-catching specimen (also known as a Shooting Star Clerodendrum) is that you can have it both ways – growing it as cluster-packed showy shrub or as a tree loaded with…

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Florida magnolias - Stunning Bracken's Brown Beauty

Florida Magnolias Beckon with Bracken’s Brown Beauty

Florida magnolias are beautiful across the board, but Bracken’s Brown Beauty might just be one of ArtisTree Landscape’s favorites. Courtesy: Cherrylake Farms This broadleaf evergreen is so big that it could be called the Clydesdale of the magnolia tree world. Its gleaming noble stature makes it easy to spot, so…

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Shady Lady Black Olive Tree

Shady Lady Black Olive Trees Add Zen to Florida Landscapes

Shady Lady Black Olive trees are so Zen. Their lush, Oriental-style layers will calm you. And their wide-spreading canopies will cool you. If you add a Shady Lady or two to your Florida landscape, sitting in their shade will be the most tranquil part of your day. Like a giant…

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Sarasota landscape design

Japanese Fern Trees Overlooked in Southwest Florida

Japanese fern trees in Florida look like they almost jumped out of a fairy tale. Close your eyes and imagine a large magnificent fern perched lollipop-style atop a slender trunk. That would be a Japanese fern tree. But don’t assume it’s a fern or Japanese in origin. It’s neither. Fern-like…

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